Nechytailo Dmytro

MD, PhD, Doctor of medical sciences, professor

MD, PhD, Doctor of Medical sciences, Professor, doctor of the highest qualification category in the specialty “Pediatrics”.
Graduated from the Bukovinian State Medical Academy with a specialty in “General medicine”.

Received a second higher education at the Chernivtsi National University on the speciality“Practical Psychology”.

Attended postgraduate studies at the Bukovinian State Medical University. He defended his PhD thesis on the problem: “Peculiarities of development, risk factors and possible ways of correcting disorders in preschool children who suffered from perinatal lesions of the central nervous system”.

Studied for a doctorate at the Department of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics. In December 2020, defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Early detection of arterial hypertension in schoolchildren by assessing the functional state of the cardiovascular system, establishing factors for the development of this pathology and forming risk groups”.

Has completed a 3-month internship at the University Hospital Center “Hôpital Lapeyronie” in Montpellier, France under the supervision of prof. Jean-Francois Rossi.

Is fluent in several foreign languages: English (APTIS level C certificate), French (DELF level B2 certificate), as well as Polish and Romanian.

Scientific profiles:

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